We are pleased to start a brad New Year by announcing the launch of our newly redesigned website. On behalf of all of us here at Vesnianka, welcome!

As technology continues to develop, we hope to take advantage of the most current tools to keep spreading the word about Ukrainian dance.

So what are some things to check out?


We will be posting frequent updates as a way to stay in touch with alumni, current members, friends and fans of Vesnianka.

If you haven’t yet, make sure to join our mailing list to stay in touch with us.

Get social

We’d love to spread the word about Vesnianka and will be integrating social media into this site. Wherever you are, please share what you see with your friends and colleagues.

If you have any Vesnianka stories, photos or videos to share, please post them and tag us so we can see them too.

Accessible to anyone

This website has a modern layout and design. It’s also responsive. That means it can be viewed on many types of devices including a computer, tablet and phone. Everything should be Apple and Android/PC compatible.

What’s in store?

This site is a work in progress. Overtime we’ll be adding an alumni section, media galleries, archival information and more. So stay tuned.

Thank you!

We thank you for stopping by and encourage you to explore our new website.

Also a big shoutout and thanks to everyone who’s given us feedback on site design and helped us create this amazing resource.